Anothear Delivery of BUL Pistols
By the end of February 2018, we are expecting another long-awaited
delivery of BUL pistols. The shipment will include well-known models from
all available product lines, though not in every color
version just yet. A new addition to our distribution will be Cherokee line pistols. We are also pleased
to inform you that starting from the February delivery, we plan to
maintain a continuous supply with regular deliveries once a month. There is, however,
some bad news. The next two deliveries are already almost entirely sold out. It
is worth noting that all pistols branded with the name Jammas will come with a
two-year warranty from the distributor, as well as professional warranty and
post-warranty service. In Jammas distribution, you will also find spare parts and
tuning components, as well as original magazines and additional accessories (belts, holsters, pouches,
etc.) for BUL pistols.