How to Obtain a Firearm License for Sporting Purposes – Step by Step
Contrary to popular belief, access to firearms in Poland is not a taboo subject. According to the Act on Weapons and Ammunition of May 21, 1999, any adult citizen who is healthy and has no criminal record can apply for a firearms license for sports purposes. A bit of determination, humility, perseverance, and a willingness to learn will not only help you navigate the initial procedures but will also be essential for honing your skills and achieving better results in mandatory shooting competitions.
Acquiring a firearms license and the associated purchase permit is the ultimate goal of this journey. To make the process more digestible, let us divide this “marathon” into two stages. In this first stage, we will focus on preparing for the start.
Step 1. A visit to the shooting range – your first contact with firearms
If you’ve found yourself reading this article, firearms and shooting sports are likely not entirely foreign to you. However, if that’s not the case, this first step is directed precisely at you and others who have never held a firearm in their hands but are drawn to shooting sports for various reasons. It is important to note that obtaining a sports license and a firearms permit involves costs and certain obligations required to maintain your qualifications in the future. Acquiring a firearms permit for sports purposes solely for the sake of owning a firearm is not a reasonable solution.
Step 2. Join a shooting club
According to Article 10, Section 3, Point 3 of the Act on Weapons and Ammunition, documented membership in an association with a shooting focus is considered a valid reason for possessing a firearm for sports purposes. You can find the current list of clubs affiliated with the Polish Sports Shooting Association (PZSS) on the official website ( The choice of a club is entirely up to you, and the rules for membership depend on the specific club. In addition to submitting a membership application, the club may require you to complete a probationary period, such as a certain number of visits or a specific number of shots fired under the supervision of a club instructor.
Step 3. Preparing to obtain a sports qualification – Shooting License
A firearm license is issued through an administrative decision by the appropriate police authority. This decision specifies the purpose for which the license is granted, as well as the type and quantity of firearms permitted. You should decide on the type of firearm you wish to use at the very beginning of your journey to obtaining a shooting license. This is a crucial reason to visit the shooting range again, where, under the supervision of an instructor, you can familiarize yourself with techniques, competition types, and the pros and cons of each type of firearm: pistol, rifle, or smoothbore shotgun. If you initially choose one type of firearm, it does not preclude you from expanding your license in the future. Additionally, there are no legal obstacles to applying for a so-called “full license,” which covers all three types of firearms. Regardless of the scope of the exam, the cost is always the same. However, if you opt for a full license, you should anticipate higher expenses for maintaining the license in subsequent years.
As mentioned in Article 10b of the Act on Firearms and Ammunition, holding a shooting license is one of the three essential justifications for owning firearms for sports purposes. To obtain it, you simply need to pass the Shooting License Exam organized by the Polish Shooting Sport Federation (PZSS). It may sound straightforward—take the exam, pass it, and you’re done—but there’s more to it. To sit for the exam, you need a correctly completed application for the Shooting License, a valid certificate from a sports medicine doctor, and proof of payment of the 400 PLN exam fee. At this stage, you must obtain a stamp and signature from the club manager, who, on behalf of the shooting club, certifies on your application that you have been trained in applicable regulations, safety rules, and firearm handling. The easiest way to ensure this is to talk to the appropriate person at your club and determine what the course or training entails—essentially, what you need to do for the club to approve your application for the Shooting License. Obtaining the medical certificate is usually a mere formality. In most cases, the PZSS arranges for medical examinations to be conducted on the day of the exam.
Step 5. The current schedule for Shooting License Exams
organized by the Polish Shooting Sport Federation (PZSS) can be found on their website: The exam consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. To proceed to the practical part, you must first pass the theoretical exam, which includes 10 questions. According to the regulations (REGULATIONS), you must answer all 10 questions correctly to pass. Preparing thoroughly for the theoretical section requires familiarizing yourself with the Act on Firearms and Ammunition, provisions of the Penal Code related to firearm-related crimes, shooting regulations, knowledge of the construction and operation of firearms for sports purposes, and basic safety rules for handling firearms. Once you pass the theoretical part, you move on to the practical exam. The most difficult may be the smoothbore weapons exam. To pass, you must hit three out of five clay targets, which tends to be the most difficult task for candidates. The pistol and rifle exams are relatively easier. To achieve a positive evaluation, you must demonstrate satisfactory grouping on the target, present correct and safe firearm handling techniques while following the examiner’s instructions, i.e. loading, assuming the proper stance, firing five shots, unloading, checking the firearm, and placing it on the table.
Step 6. Polish Sports Federation License
The third significant reason for owning a firearm for sporting purposes is holding a license from a Polish sports federation. This document authorizes you to participate in shooting competitions organized by the Polish Shooting Sport Federation (PZSS). You can obtain this license by submitting an application shortly after receiving your shooting license. You have now completed the greater part of your journey. However, before celebrating your achievement, remember that becoming a competitor is a continuous commitment. A sports license is valid for one calendar year. To maintain this third important reason for firearm ownership, you must renew it annually. The condition for renewing the license is participation in at least four competitions annually in the primary shooting discipline and in at least two competitions for each additional firearm category. If you have a full shooting license, you must participate in a total of 8 competitions per year (4 + 2 + 2). This is why it is advisable to take the exam for the shooting license and obtain the license at the beginning of the calendar year, giving yourself a time buffer to participate in all the required competitions.
Step 1. Medical Examinations and valid reason for possessing firearms according to the Act for the Department of Administrative Proceedings (WPA) of the Provincial Police Headquarters
When applying for a firearm license for sports purposes, you must prove that you do not pose a threat to yourself, public order, or public safety and provide a valid reason for possessing firearms. In the first stage of your marathon to obtain the license, you have already taken care of the valid reason in the form of qualifications for actively participating in shooting sports.
– Membership in a shooting-related association
– Sports qualification (“Shooting License”)
–License from the Polish sports federation
Next, you need to undergo psychological and psychiatric evaluations. The medical certificate is one of the proofs of your mental soundness, meaning that you do not pose a threat to yourself or public order. Another important element is the certificate of no criminal record, issued by the National Criminal Register. You do not need to handle this yourself. The WPA will request this certificate for you.
Step 2. Application for a Firearm License
Properly preparing your application can significantly shorten the time for a positive decision, so it is important to include all the necessary information (you can download the application form HERE). When applying for a sports firearm license,
consider the number of firearms you need and break it down into specific types of guns. You must keep in mind that the Police distinguish between three types of firearms: smoothbore, and those with side and centerfire mechanisms, not like in the case of the license where it’s a pistol, rifle, and smoothbore shotgun. When applying for the license, you should clearly state why you need such quantities of each type, for example, two pistols and two centerfire rifles would be a total of four centerfire firearms; three pistols and four side-fire rifles would be seven of that type in total. Each justification should reference the relevant sport competition. It wouldn’t hurt to include information about where you plan to store the firearms. Inform the authorities in your application about your membership in a shooting club and the Polish Shooting Sports Association (PZSS). Mention that your Shooting License and License exempt you from taking an exam with the Police authority. Although you attach medical certificates, it wouldn’t hurt to state: “I am not one of the individuals mentioned in Article 15, Section 1, Points 2-4 of the Act of May 21, 1999, on Firearms and Ammunition (Journal of Laws No. 53, item 549, with amendments).” At the end, inform them that in the event of a positive outcome of your application, you waive your right to review the case files. By doing so, you will save two weeks between the issuance of the positive decision and the receipt of your sports firearm license. Remember, to preempt any questions, this will protect you from unnecessary correspondence with the WPA.
Step 3. Document Compilation for WPA
Attachments to WPA must be sent in the correct form. Compile your documents according to the following list:
– Notarized copy of your ID card
– Notarized copy of your shooting license
Notarized copy of your license
– Original certificate confirming membership in a shooting club
– Original psychiatric doctor’s certificate
– Original psychologist’s certificate
– Original receipt for the stamp duty payment related to your firearm license application
– Two photos in the 3 cm x 4 cm format
– Application for the issuance of a sports firearm license
You can send the complete set of documents by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the address of the Provincial Police Headquarters, Administrative Procedures Department, corresponding to your place of residence. If you decide to submit the documents in person, prepare a copy of the application, which will be stamped by the WPA office confirming its receipt.
The official responsible for reviewing your application has one month to make a positive decision, assuming all documents are complete. It is possible that the WPA may not receive the response from the National Criminal Register in time. In such a case, you will be notified that the process is extended for another month. There may be situations where the WPA requests information about your participation in competitions, shooting results, or special achievements. These are details that cannot influence the official’s decision. Under the law, the WPA is not authorized to request or condition the issuance of the permit on providing this information. The best course of action is to participate in at least a few competitions before submitting your application. Although you are not legally obligated to do so, having this documentation can resolve any doubts the WPA may have, saving you time by avoiding additional correspondence. If necessary, refer to the ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court (case II OSK 2211/12) in your response.
Step 4. Firearm License – Privileges and Responsibilities
With just the license, you cannot buy even ammunition from a firearms store; there are still more formalities to complete. A firearm license for sporting purposes grants you the right to store and transport the specified type and quantity of firearms indicated in the license, as well as to submit a request for the issuance of a purchase permit. You might be wondering about the logic behind this—if I can’t buy, but I can store and transport? With the license, you have the right to, for example, borrow a firearm from a club member and, based on a loan agreement and the administrative decision (firearm license), legally take it to a shooting range for training or even competitions. However, there are certain conditions that you must meet, which are detailed in the Minister of the Interior’s Regulation of August 26, 2014, regarding the storage, carrying, and registration of firearms and ammunition. At this point in your engagement in shooting sports, I assume you don’t plan on purchasing more than 50 firearms. If you exceed this quantity, you would need to build an appropriate storage facility. Let’s focus on the basic arsenal necessary to pursue your passion and personal goals. According to the regulation, you must acquire a safe at least of class S1 according to the PN-EN 14450 standard. There’s no need to delve into the specifics of this certificate or carefully analyze its parameters. Visit the nearest specialized store and choose a product that will accommodate the estimated number of firearms you plan to store. Firearms should be stored unloaded and with the magazine detached. The situation is different when it comes to transportation. Since November 1, 2014, firearms for sporting purposes can be carried loaded, in a holster or case, as close to the body as possible and in a way that is as inconspicuous as possible. It is important to note that the legislator’s intention was not to create a “wild west” situation on the streets of Poland, but rather to secure the firearms from unauthorized access or theft. Remember, playing the cowboy and flaunting your weapon can result in the loss of your license! Another responsibility for firearm license holders is the regular health check-ups. Every five years, you need to submit the original psychiatric and psychological evaluations to the WPA. All of your responsibilities may and will be subject to police inspection. This role is carried out by the community police officer from the local police station, depending on your place of residence.
Step 5: Purchase permit, purchase, and registration of firearms for sporting purposes
You are at the finish line of the marathon. Your diploma will be the purchase permit, your medal will be the firearm license, and your trophy will be the weapon you’ve dreamed of.
Based on your firearm permit, you can apply for a “purchase permit” to buy a firearm from the WPA (you can download the application form HERE). This document allows you to purchase a firearm from a licensed store (e.g., :)). The cost for issuing a single purchase permit is 17 PLN. You can apply for the issuance of a single purchase permit for as many firearms as you have permits for. It is sensible to apply for several purchase permits for individual firearms. This will allow you to make purchases at different stores and at different times. The purchase permit itself is issued without an expiration date. Regardless of the size of your purchase, you must leave the purchase permit with the seller. If you have a purchase permit for 20 firearms but decide to buy only one, you forfeit the opportunity to purchase the remaining 19 until you apply for a new purchase permit.
With the original purchase permit, your ID, and a well-filled wallet, head to the store. Most purchase permits are issued for the acquisition of a specific type of firearm along with the ammunition for it. In such cases, especially during your first purchase, it’s worth stocking up on extra ammunition. The document that will authorize you to purchase ammunition in the future is your firearm license. To get the so-called “red booklet,” you must register the purchased firearm with the WPA within 5 calendar days. The license will be issued within 14 days from the moment of registering the firearm.
With the right commitment, both stages should take you between 10 to 14 months. Once you reach your goal, the word “satisfaction” takes on a whole new meaning. You have obtained a firearm permit for sporting purposes, and this is undoubtedly a source of pride. But that’s not all. You’ve entered a new world built by passionate people. Exchange experiences, improve your skills, earn diplomas. I’m rooting for you!
Do you have any questions?
Is there any step that is unclear to you?
Do you need help obtaining qualifications?
Visit us at 6/8 Zgierska Street in Warsaw!